Fill My Cup! Member Portal
Welcome to Fill My Cup's Member Portal on ProLiteracy Education Network. ProLiteracy Education Network is a comprehensive collection of online courses and resources for adult literacy, adult basic education (ABE) volunteer tutors program staff, trainers, and adult learners. Here are some of the things you'll find:
Self paced courses
that will help you learn new techniques for teaching citizenship, reading, writing, and much more.
A video library
where you can watch demonstrations of effective teaching and training strategies.

Learning activities
students can use to practice English, learn new vocabulary, or improve their reading.
Member Central
where you'll find our online Basic Literacy and ESL Tutor Training and Notebook.
including lesson plans, research, websites, field-based resources, and other useful information.
Your Member Forum
where you'll find resources from your literacy program located in one place.
How do I access these terrific resources?
You'll need to create an Education Network account. If you already have an Education Network account, click the button to login.


Create a staff, tutor, trainer, or other account.

Create a student account.

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